Page 24 - Jess.Briggs 2025 Portfolio
P. 24

                         Brand Guidelines

                             CVS®                                             Photography

                                                                              We use a full range of
                                                                              photography to showcase
                                                                              CVS HealthHUB, including
                             HealthHUB®                                       clinical, lifestyle, still life and

                                                                              in-store environments.

                                                                              Whenever possible,
                                                                              we should focus on our
                             Design                                           services, our care and
                                                                              candid moments that
                                                                              Typography         The CVS HealthHUB voice
                                                                              Although the logo will remain in   Our enterprise speaks in one brand voice. But we must flex   Caring
                             v1.0                                             Helvetica Neue, owned assets will   to meet the needs of multiple businesses (CVS Pharmacy®,   Encouraging
                                                                              begin to introduce the CVS Health
                                                                                                 MinuteClinic®, etc.). Our voice attributes give us the tools
                                                                              Sans type in appropriate channels.  to do that. In CVS HealthHUB communications, our voice   Clear
                                                                              Store experience assets will remain   leans into 2 key voice attributes: clear and caring. It feels
                                                                              in Helvetica Neue until further notice.  helpful, human and credible.  Conversational
                             Primary logo lock-ups    Color & gradients       MoreHealth word combinations          Pictograms
                             The CVS HealthHUB co-branded logo must   When outside of a CVS environment (e.g. out of   When using this platform execution, please use Helvetica Neue to match the   We designed the pictograms to make CVS HealthHUB services
                             be used in all instances. The HealthHUB logo   home or display banners), lead with CVS Red as   HealthHUB logo. “Health” should always be Helvetica Neue Bold and the other   feel ownable by depicting the methods, tools and benefits for each
                             should never appear by itself.  the primary color and blue as a secondary color.  support words should be Helvetica Neue Light. There are no spaces inbetween   respective service.
                             When the logo must be placed on a color   When in a CVS environment (e.g. owned social   words, and the kerning is to match the HealthHUB logo.
                             background, the knockout, all-white version   or store signage), lead with blue as the primary
                             of the logo must be used.   color. Whenever possible, utilize the CVS Navy to
                                                      CVS Dark Blue gradient to tie back to the in-store
                                                        If accessibility is an issue, utilize a white or
                                                      CVS Navy background.
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